Onze onderzoekers publiceren met regelmaat artikelen in vaktijdschriften en boeken. Een overzicht van de meest recente publicaties:
Clercx, M. (2023). Connecting the dots: forensic vigilance as a core competency of forensic mental health professionals. [PhD thesis]. Radboud Universiteit. Lees meer.
Clercx, M., Didden, R., Craig, L.A., & Keulen-de Vos, M. (2023). Forensic vigilance in forensic professionals: development, reliability and factor structure of the forensic vigilance estimate. The Journal of Forensic Practice, 25(1), 22-33.
Clercx, M., Keulen-de Vos, M., Craig, L.A., & Didden, R. (2023). Relationship between forensic vigilance and personality traits, work experience, burnout symptoms, workplace stress and satisfaction in forensic mental healthcare professionals. The Journal of Forensic Practice, 25(1), 57-77.
Clercx, M., Peters-Scheffers, N., Keulen-de Vos, M., Schaftenaar, P., Dekkers, D., van Gerwen, N., de Klerk, A., Strijbos, N., & Didden. R. (2023). Qualitative analysis of severe incidents in forensic psychiatric hospitals: towards a model of forensic vigilance. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, online first publication.
Clercx, M., & van Tuijn, G. (2023). Differences between clients and professionals of forensic and nonforensic Flexible Assertive Community Treatment. Journal of Forensic Nursing,
Dekkers, D., & Keulen-de Vos, M. (2023). Adverse childhood and risk: a comparison between individuals with sexual versus violent convictions. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health,
Driessen, R., & Keulen-de Vos, M. (2023). Narcissistic personality syndrome in relation to emotional states: preliminary findings in a Dutch psychiatric outpatient sample. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 9, 88-94.
Herzog-Evans, M., & Keulen-de Vos, M. (2023). Offense paralleling emotional states in institutional violence. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
Keulen-de Vos, M., Giesbers, G., & Hülsken, J. (2023). Relationship between early cognitive schemas and emotional states in sexual violence. Sexual Abuse,
Keulen-de Vos, M., Herzog-Evans, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). The relationship between psychopathy factors and emotional states prior and during criminal behaviour in a Dutch sample. Journal of Criminal Psychology,